1. Banner image:
The top section features a banner image that showcases Lattice's product offering with a prominent CTA button.
2. Headline section:
A concise heading "Performance Management Software" is positioned right below the banner image with subheading text for clarity.
3. Feature highlights:
The next section highlights three key features of Lattice, i.e. Performance Reviews, 1-on-1 Meetings, and Feedback & Recognition.
4. Benefits:
A section highlights various benefits of using Lattice, such as Engage Your Team, Empower Managers, Gain Powerful Insights and more.
5. Customer testimonials:
The following section includes a client testimonial carousel featuring notable companies that have successfully implemented Lattice to improve their performance management system.
6. Call to Action:
A prominent CTA button "See Lattice in Action" directs users to a sign-up page, enabling them to try the solution firsthand.
7. Bottom Navigation:
The site has links to the key pages such as "Performance," "Engagement, "Career Development" in the bottom navigation area, along with social media icons.
8. Informational Footer:
The website's footer contains relevant information about the company, including their contact information, privacy policy, terms of service, and a useful resource center with links to case studies, webinars, eBooks, and more. [1]
References:[1] Lattice: People Success Platform | Performance and ...[2] Fundamentals of Database Systems[3] CRS Coordinator's Manual