1. Header:
The page starts with a header that includes the Placid logo, a navigation menu, and a button to log in.
2. Hero section:
The hero section has a banner that showcases the different features of Placid, such as automating image generation and optimizing image SEO.
3. Pricing plans:
The pricing plans are laid out in a three-column grid. Each plan is color-coded and features its name, price, and features. The first two plans have a "get started" button, while the third plan has a "contact us" button.
4. Standard plan:
This plan includes 10,000 image generations per month, access to all Placid integrations, support for PNG, JPG, SVG, and GIF formats, and a monthly subscription fee of $
5. Pro plan:
This plan includes 50,000 image generations per month, all the features of the Standard plan, 20% discount on additional generations, and a monthly subscription fee of $199.
6. Premium plan:
This plan is customizable and requires contacting their sales team for personalized pricing. The Premium plan includes all the features of the Pro Plan, with the addition of a dedicated account manager, custom integrations and features, and other customizable options.
7. Feature comparison:
A feature comparison chart highlights the main differences between each plan, feature by feature.
8. FAQ section:
The page includes a FAQ section with commonly asked questions and their answers. The questions are tabbed, and each answer is revealed upon clicking on the question.
9. Testimonials:
The page ends with a section that showcases testimonials from Placid's customers, including their name, company, and an excerpt from their review. Overall, the page has a clean and organized layout, with attention-grabbing headings, a detailed breakdown of features and pricing, and an easy-to-use navigation menu.